In 1842 Weewar, a Noongar, was convicted under British Law for carrying out payback

Date recorded



In 1842 the Crown prosecuted Weewar, a Binjareb Nyungar warrior, for carrying out tribal payback by spearing Dyung of the Mooro Group. When Weewar heard that Dyung, a member of the tribe responsible for the death of his son, was moving through Binjareb Territory he was governed by one law – Traditional Aboriginal Law. Weewar’s trial became the test case in Western Australia which determined that British Law took precedence over traditional law. Dedicated to Theo Kearing a Binjareb Warrior. (Information from the DVD cover)


Director: Glen Stasuik (Black Russian Productions). Writer: Karrie-Anne Kearing (Waugul Productions).

People in the video

Trevor Jamieson (Weewar), Eric Herbert, David and Franklin Nannup. Len and Neviile Collard provided cultural advice.


Used with permission from Glen Stasiuk; Franklyn Nannup – Winjan Aboriginal Corporation Chairperson; Harry Nannup; Gloria Kearing; and Karrie-Anne Kearing.


SWALSC followed cultural protocols to obtain permission to use this material on the SWALSC Kaartdijin website. The material is also protected by copyright law and may only be used for private study, research, criticism or review. If you would like to use it for any other purpose, please contact SWALSC (see Contact Us and Protocols and Policies).

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