Moora – References
[i] Landgate, (accessed 18 October 2010)
[ii] G.Moore, (1884a). Diary of ten years: eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia. London, Walbrook.
[iii] N. Green, Aborigines and White Settlers in the Nineteenth Century, in CT Stanage (ed), A New History of Western Australia, UWA Press, Nedlands,1981
[iv] R. Salvado (1851), The Salvado Memoirs: historical memoirs of Australia and particularly of the Benedictine Mission of New Norcia and of the habits and customs of the Australian natives by Rosendo Salvado; translated and edited by E.J. Stormon. Nedlands, W.A : University of Western Australia Press, 1977, pp 130-131
[v] N. Green and L. Tilbrook, Aborigines of New Norcia 1845-1917: The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australia, Volume 2, University of Western Australia Press, 1989, pp206-212
[vi] Shire of Moora website: History of the Shire of Moora: http// (accessed 18/11/10)
[vii] A. Haebich, For Their Own Good: Aborigines and Government in the Southwest of Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press 1988, p. 83.
[viii] B. Rooney, The Legacy of the Late Edward Mippy: An Ethnographic Biography, PhD Thesis, Curtin University, March 2002, p. 149
[ix] Haebich, 1988, p.19, Rooney (2002) pp 150, 152.
[x] Haebich,1988, p.133
[xi] Ibid, p.132
[xii] Ibid, p.232.
[xiii] For histories of Mogumber see: S. Maushart, Sort of a Place Like Home: Remembering the Moore River Native Settlement, Fremantle, 1993. A. Haebich ‘On the Inside: Moore River Native Settlement in the 1930s’, in Gammage, B. and Markus, A. eds, All That Dirt: Aborigine 1938, Canberra, 1982. A. Haebich and A. Delroy, The Stolen Generations, 1999. A. Haebich, ‘Twilight of Knowing: The Forgotten Australian Debate’, in Overland 170, Autumn 2003. A. Haebich, For Their Own Good, 1988. A. Haebich, Broken Circles: Fragmenting Indigenous Families 1800-2000, Fremantle, 2000. A. Haebich, ‘Between Knowing and Not Knowing: Public Knowledge of the Stolen Generations’, in Aboriginal History, 25, 2001.
[xiv] A. Haebich, For Their Own Good, 1988, pp 174, 178-187, 193-194, 206, 211-212, 216 250, 251, A. Haebich & A. Delroy. The Stolen Generations: separation of aboriginal children from their families in Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, 1999, p.28
[xv] Haebich, 1988, p.144
[xvi] Ibid pp, 184, 192, 219-220, 253-254
[xvii] Ibid, p.236.
[xviii] Haebich, A. For Their Own Good, 1988, p.252
[xix] Ibid p.291
[xx] Ibid p 290
[xxi] Ibid p. 291
[xxii] A. Haebich, For Their Own Good, 1988. pp.310, 311. A. Haebich & A. Delroy, The Stolen Generations, p.32
[xxiii] Ibid, p. 313.
[xxiv] Rooney (2002) p.157; Haebich pp 290-1.
[xxv] See ‘About Us’ on Tindale
[xxvi] A. Haebich For Their Own Good 1988. A. Haebich & A.Delroy, The Stolen Generations. p.32
[xxvii] The West Australian: Report on the Central Midlands Progress Association. 14/7/1984
[xxviii] Rooney (2002), p.212